

GtkFixed -- a container which supports fixed sizes and positions of its children.


#include <gtk/gtk.h>

struct      GtkFixed;
struct      GtkFixedChild;
GtkWidget*  gtk_fixed_new                   (void);
void        gtk_fixed_put                   (GtkFixed *fixed,
                                             GtkWidget *widget,
                                             gint16 x,
                                             gint16 y);
void        gtk_fixed_move                  (GtkFixed *fixed,
                                             GtkWidget *widget,
                                             gint16 x,
                                             gint16 y);

Object Hierarchy



The GtkFixed widget is a container which can place child widgets at fixed positions and with fixed sizes, given in pixels.


struct GtkFixed

struct GtkFixed;

The GtkFixed struct contains the following fields. (These fields should be considered read-only. They should never be set by an application.)

GList *children;a list of GtkFixedChild elements, containing the child widgets and their positions.

struct GtkFixedChild

struct GtkFixedChild
  GtkWidget *widget;
  gint16 x;
  gint16 y;

The GtkFixedChild struct contains the following fields. (These fields should be considered read-only. They should never be set by an application.)

GtkWidget *widget;the child GtkWidget.
gint16 x;the horizontal position of the widget within the GtkFixed container.
gint16 y;the vertical position of the widget within the GtkFixed container.

gtk_fixed_new ()

GtkWidget*  gtk_fixed_new                   (void);

Creates a new GtkFixed.

Returns :a new GtkFixed.

gtk_fixed_put ()

void        gtk_fixed_put                   (GtkFixed *fixed,
                                             GtkWidget *widget,
                                             gint16 x,
                                             gint16 y);

Adds a widget to a GtkFixed container at the given position.

fixed :a GtkFixed.
widget :the widget to add.
x :the horizontal position to place the widget at.
y :the vertical position to place the widget at.

gtk_fixed_move ()

void        gtk_fixed_move                  (GtkFixed *fixed,
                                             GtkWidget *widget,
                                             gint16 x,
                                             gint16 y);

Moves a child of a GtkFixed container to the given position.

fixed :a GtkFixed.
widget :the child widget.
x :the horizontal position to move the widget to.
y :the vertical position to move the widget to.