Core Construction APIs


Core Construction APIs -- Core construction API.


struct      ArtPoint;
enum        ArtPathcode;
struct      ArtVpath;
struct      ArtBpath;
void        art_vpath_add_point             (ArtVpath **p_vpath,
                                             int *pn_points,
                                             int *pn_points_max,
                                             ArtPathcode code,
                                             double x,
                                             double y);
ArtVpath*   art_bez_path_to_vec             (const ArtBpath *bez,
                                             double flatness);


This section details the API for the construction of user-visible data structure, namely: ArtVpath and ArtBpath.


struct ArtPoint

struct ArtPoint {
  /*< public >*/
  double x, y;

This structure is used here and there in the API: there is no general rule about its use. It simply represents a point with its x and y coordinates in the libart 2D space.

The libart 2D space is not a direct cartesian 2D space: it is an indirect cartesian space (that is, its direction is the invert of the standard trigonometric direction). The 2D space used by libart is inspired by the X coordinate space:

Figure 1. LibArt's 2D space

double xthe x coordinate of the point.
double ythe y cordinate of the point.

enum ArtPathcode

typedef enum {
} ArtPathcode;

This enum contains the list of the possible drawing commands understood by ArtVpath and ArtBpath. These commands are described there. They can be summarized by the folowing figure:

Figure 2. Drawing commands

ART_MOVETOmove to a given point, without drawing pixels.
ART_MOVETO_OPENmove to a given point, without drawing pixels. Do not close the vector path at the end.
ART_CURVETOmove to a given point along a given bezier path while drawing pixels.
ART_LINETOmove to a given point along a staright line while drawing pixels.
ART_ENDthe end of the vector path.

struct ArtVpath

struct ArtVpath {
  ArtPathcode code;
  double x;
  double y;

A vector path is an array of ArtVpath (short for vector path) data structures. Each of those describes a given vector along the vector path. ArtVpaths can contain ART_MOVETO, ART_MOVETO_OPEN, ART_LINETO and ART_END commands. Of course, the x and y members of this data structure have no meaning when code is ART_END.

ArtPathcode codethe drawing command to execute for this vector.
double xthe x coordinate of the associated control point.
double ythe y coordinate of the associated control point.

struct ArtBpath

struct ArtBpath {
  /*< public >*/
  ArtPathcode code;
  double x1;
  double y1;
  double x2;
  double y2;
  double x3;
  double y3;

A vector path can also be an array of ArtBpath (short for bézier path) data structures. Bézier paths can hold all the possible drawing commands present in an ArtPathCode. XXX: is this true ?

ArtPathcode codethe drawing command to execute for this vector.
double x1the x coordinate of the first control point of the bézier path.
double y1the y coordinate of the first control point of the bézier path.
double x2the x coordinate of the second control point of the bézier path.
double y2the xy coordinate of the second control point of the bézier path.
double x3the x coordinate of the end point of the bézier path.
double y3the y coordinate of the end point of the bézier path.

art_vpath_add_point ()

void        art_vpath_add_point             (ArtVpath **p_vpath,
                                             int *pn_points,
                                             int *pn_points_max,
                                             ArtPathcode code,
                                             double x,
                                             double y);

Adds a new point to *p_vpath, reallocating and updating *p_vpath and *pn_points_max as necessary. *pn_points is incremented.

This routine always adds the point after all points already in the vpath. Thus, it should be called in the order the points are desired.

p_vpath : Where the pointer to the ArtVpath structure is stored.
pn_points : Pointer to the number of points in *p_vpath.
pn_points_max : Pointer to the number of points allocated.
code : The pathcode for the new point.
x : The X coordinate of the new point.
y : The Y coordinate of the new point.

art_bez_path_to_vec ()

ArtVpath*   art_bez_path_to_vec             (const ArtBpath *bez,
                                             double flatness);

Creates a vector path closely approximating the bezier path defined by bez. The flatness argument controls the amount of subdivision. In general, the resulting vpath deviates by at most flatness pixels from the "ideal" path described by bez.

bez : Bezier path.
flatness : Flatness control.
Returns : Newly allocated vpath.